Yearly JDE Update Event, powered by Obug & JDE partners
Supported by:
Lyle Ekdahl, Senior Vice President Product Development
Paul Houtkooper, JD Edwards Senior Development Director
Location: Fort Voordorp – Groenekan
09.00 – 09.30 am Reception and registration
09.30 – 09.40 am Welcome and introduction – Wouter Helsloot & Heering Ligthart (OBUG)
09.40 – 10.25 am Keynote Lyle Ekdahl
10.25 – 10.45 am Coffee break
10.45 – 11.30 am Break-out session 1
11.30 – 12.15 pm Keynote Paul Houtkooper & Srihari Oruganti
12.15 – 13.30 pm Lunch
13.30 – 14.15 pm Break-out session 2
14.15 – 14.45 pm Networking break
14.45 – 15.30 pm Break-out session 3
15.30 – 15.45 pm Wrap up and closure
15.45 – … Networking drinks and … music!
09.40 – 10.25 A Platform for innovation – Lyle Ekdahl
This session highlights new product innovation and enhancements that are delivered in the latest Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne releases, providing insigtht to help your organization map a meaningful business strategy in today’s connected, agile and real-time businesses. Learn how JD Edwards is the platform for competing in a digital economy.
10.45 – 11.30 How Curium implements JD Edwards as platform for growth (Johnnie Foster, Curium Pharma)
In this session Johnnie Foster, CIO of Curium Pharma, will present how Curium is implementing a global roll-out with Oracle JD Edwards 9.1. Curium Pharma is the result of a merger between Mallinckrodt Nuclear Medicine& IBA Molecular. After the merger it became clear that rolling out Oracle JD Edwards 9.1 globally according to a new template would increase efficiency and gives Curium a uniform platform for growth. Johnnie will discuss roll-out approach and challenges, the challenges of a Pharma regulated company but also how they handle integrations to be able to add new countries to the platform quick and easy.
10.45 – 11.30 Warehouse Solution with AIS/Orchestrations and JAVA Script (Wouter van Beek, CIO Van Hessen)
How JD Edwards can be used as a standard transaction machine in the cloud, while the transaction interaction is completely user specific. Transactions include -amongst others- License Plates, Putaway, Picking, Staging and Storage Locations, Integration with trucks. Learn how a JDE warehouse management project can be started and fully operational in a couple of weeks instead of months! No third party platform required. Experience the user friendly and real time interaction with standard JD Edwards.
10.45 – 11.30 How the Orchestrator cn be used: Aevitas spreadsheet integration
* How Google sheets is integrated into JD Edwards for multiple uses
* How to set up an orchestrator scenario
10.45 – 11.30 Predictive Analytics & BI: Practical examples (Interfood, Denkavit)
Inspiring and creative real life examples from Interfood and Denkavit about the value of leveraging company data eventually combined with external data. Your ERP system is your main data source, use it, gain insight and benefit!
11.30 – 12.15 What’s New with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools – Paul Houtkooper & Srihari Oruganti
Change is the new normal, and Oracle continues to deliver transformational capabilities with each JDE Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools release. How do you keep up with what is new in each release? This session highlights key features that have been delivered in previous releases and how customers are leveraging them. See what’s new in the latest releases of JD Edwards EnterpiseOne Tools and get insight into how future releases will continue to accelerate your transformation to a digital business.
12.15 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.15 Move & improve JD Edwards to the Quistor Cloud & Running your Database on an Exadata (customer case Randstad), by Quistor
A story about why & how Randstad moved & improved its JD Edwards platform to Quistor’s private cloud and its Oracle Database to Quistors Exahotel. This presentation will give insight on the selection process, the requirements in line with the challenges and the migration approach will be presented.
13.30 – 14.15 Agile/SCRUM Implementation of ERP at Van Oers United (René Bol, Frederique Sonneveld)
An inside story of Van Oers United about their experiences with an Agile/SCRUM implementation of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
13.30 – 14.15 Speed up account reconcilliation and reconcile inventory with G/L (customer case)
Speed up your end of month/year processes by reconciling G/L accounts automatically, reconcile inventory with G/L and gain insight in your inventory as of period end. Easy reporting and auditing. Developed by Cadran together with a customer (t.b.c.)
13.30 – 14.15 2x 20 minutes for Gold sponsors
13.30 – 13.50 Help! I have PowerBI on my desktop – and now what?
How do I get to my JDE database and non-JDE datasources?
Come and see how ReportsNow plus PowerBI can create a relationship made in heaven.
1. Unrivalled access to your JD Edwards database for reporting/consolidations/BI
2. Link-back straight into JD Edwards
3. Fluent access to external data sources
4. The power of Power BI
13.55 – 14.15 ISProjects
14.15 – 14.45 Networking break
14.45 – 15.30 Running JD Edwards 24/7 on the Amazon cloud (Forza)
In this session Forza will show how easy it is to migrate, install, use and support JDE on the AWS cloud.
14.45 – 15.30 Real customer cases of User Friendly Apps that interact with Standard JD Edwards (Steltix)
Get inspired and see how you can keep customizations out of JDE and move business specific requirements to the interaction layer. In this layer all user specific transaction interaction is taking place. Completely user specific, respecting your JDE set up!
– Examples include a CRM Dashboard and Sales App (your sales colleagues will love it!),
– Watchlists App (alert and act based on transactions that require your attention),
– Inventory Management App and dropZone (mass extract and update data in JDE).
14.45 – 15.30 BPM & Apps surrounding your JD Edwards (Kristian Lange, Thysia)
Digital solutions, beyond JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, that fit the needs of your organization. What are the possibilities and what are the steps you need to take to ensure a future proof business platform.Examples can be document management, extended, cross platform workflow, Quality Management, Invoice Scanning, etc.
14.45 – 15.30 2x 20 minutes for Gold sponsors
14.45 – 15.05 Optimizing Security with Qcloud Audit (DPD, powered by Q Software)
With a Cloud-based Automated Audit, DPD is conducting a quarterly security audit on their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system to optimize security weaknesses and risks. It facilities external auditors and reduces audit costs. The audit results provide valuable information to make informed decisions about DPD’s security and priorities for improvements.
15.10 – 15.30 Bottomline
15.30 – 15.45 Wrap up and closure
15.45 – ….. Networking drinks and…. MUSIC !